

Health care costs continue to skyrocket, and employees face more ailment-causing stresses than ever before. That's why more and more companies are turning to March2Wellness to provide therapeutic, preventative wellness programs for their employees.  Our unique bodywork and stress reduction programs increase health and wellness, improve productivity, strengthen immune systems, reduce workers' compensation claims, health care costs and absenteeism.  The bottom line is a demonstrable return on investment.

Private Clients

Clients seeking the highest standards of excellence in clinical MassageTherapy and Energywork in Chicago have trusted Monika March for over 10 years to provide rejuvenation for mind, body and spirit.  Learn more about Monika's unique integration of Reiki, Quantum Touch and therapeutic Massage by scheduling a private session with her today!


Like the instruments they play, musicians can find themselves "out of tune" from time to time.  Chronic overuse of specific muscle groups and the inherent stresses of the musician's lifestyle can weaken the body's natural ability to heal itself; leading to significant discomfort even at rest.  Just as musicians must tune their instruments regularly, it is imperative for peak performance that their most important instrument – their bodies – are kept in tune.  At March2Wellness, we help musician's perform and live comfortably, with body, mind and spirit in harmonious concert.
